segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

Jonty Skrufff @ Dance Music 101

Jonty Skrufff, DJ/ producer, music journalist, radio show presenter, curator for Rio Music Conference and a brand consultant for Pioneer DJ. He is also a resident DJ at Sisyphos, Berlin.

Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?

I fully committed to dance music in the early 90s when I met British underground rave revolutionaries Spiral Tribe and was inspired to quit a dreadfully boring straight job (working for the Sunday Times) and devote myself to music- and making a living at it, one way or another. One of those key life turning points that has been rewarded beyond my wildest imagination. Being bold was (and is) the key.

Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?

This last (long) weekend: kicking off with me opening Sisyphos’ new Hammahalle with a 4 hour set for the first party of the 2016 season, followed by full on partying/ clubbing/ eating with a bunch of friends from London that involved Berghain, wienerschnitzel, wine, vodka, a return to Sisyphos to catch Fidelity Kastrow spinning, finished by me spinning a final set last night at Kater Blau (Monday evening- Kiosk). DJing.

Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?

What I love the most is being in the moment: what I mean by that are those magical moments when you feel at one with your location, actions and feelings- an almost magical sense of awareness, understanding calm and happiness.

I find these moments sometimes when I’m playing a great gig (such as DJing on top of the Sisyphos truck at Zug Der Liebe playing techno to thousands of Berliners) or dancing somewhere special (sisyphos, kater Blau, Berghain sometimes and/ or numerous beaches round the world)to great music surrounded by great company (even if I don’t necessarily know the people I’m surrounded by).

Or like last year in Rio during the Rio Music Conference when I had my happiest business meeting ever, brainstorming ideas in-between jumping huge waves on Copacabana. then later at the Carnival block party where we had a blast drinking cocktails interrupted with people screaming ‘hey Supla’ every three or four metres.

Magical moments and equally fine memories- for me, what life is all about- experiences and adventures.

Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that?

My entire dance music career can be broken down into a few significant moments: meeting London acid techno rave crew Spiral Tribe who gave me the self-belief to devote my life to music, taking up DJing, moving to Berlin. Quitting various job/ clients that were no longer enjoyable or productive . . . Each involved leaps of faith with more than a little risk involved and each has been rewarded ten times over.

Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?

EDM is in major, near terminal decline in the States, I believe it’s inevitable this will rapidly infect the whole world’s EDM scene. Berlin remains THE global capital of underground club culture, as well as art and creative culture and this trend will continue.

Having said that, all club cultures ebb and flow and house and techno will certainly dip underground again in a year or two as the mainstream media- as ever moves on. I remain overall very optimistic. Those who are living in club culture as a lifestyle- ie because they love it, will thrive.

Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?

Globalisation will continue. Technology too will continue to revolutionise everything. That’s assuming we don’t have serious global chaos (and World War 3) – fingers crossed!

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