segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

José de la Barra @ Dance Music 101

José de la Barra is a Talent Buyer and Promoter with Lotus Producciones, one of the main producing companies in Chile (Lollapalloza Chile & Sónar Chile).

Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?

When I understood that the electronic music turned on a global thing, even more important for younger generations than mine (I born in the 85)'. And dance music has covered much of the music business nowadays, and I realize even more when some electronic music festivals become famous around the globe and a bunch of night clubs start to be part of this music movement.

Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?

Lollapalooza Brasil; when a bunch of friends goes massively together to enjoy a music festival could be very fun, one of my big pleasures in life.

Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?

Enjoying life and take decisions that help me feel better, because there is nothing better than paying attention to your body-mind-spirit and do what you love to do. I love my work, I do also feel I'm contributing to the society by delivering live music by managing bands, and also promoting festivals experience.

Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that?

Probably 2 or 3 years before YouTube was launched (2005) I went to the first drum & bass festival in Chile, so my curiosity for hear all music electronic genres become something when I was on school.

Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?

From my perspective, what people are looking for are those things make us easy our life and make us happy on what we do consume. For example consuming music in streaming in internet (not a big effort even for those who start recently work with computers), having good services and nice installations at clubs (people will come back), delivering unique experience and nice production at music festival.

Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?

It's expanding the live music festivals experiences, and some new platforms & devices for music will help to get even less boundaries around the music in the world.

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