segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2016

Shailendra Singh @ Dance Music 101

Shailendra Singh, founder and CEO from Percept and founder of Sunburn Festival

Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?

Going in to the millennium, it was reported that India had 600 million under the age of 25. And, at the time, the only choices of entertainment for that massive population of youth was Bollywood, Cricket and shopping. In 2007, I started two music festivals – Sunburn for dance music and Metalfest for metal and rock music. Metalfest actually outperformed, due to the long history of the genre in India, but. . . when I stood in the middle of the crowd and listened to dance music, I realized the power of it. India is made up of 29 states, hundreds of languages, religions, castes and creeds. . . I knew that dance music - basically lyricless, a music of pure energy – could unite India, and the world. I poured all my efforts into Sunburn.

Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?

Directing my first feature film, shooting on location in Kashmir, in the snow, surrounded by the Himalayan mountains. I’ve produced 72 feature films, but now I have full control of the creative process. Movies are a huge passion of mine.

Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?

Life. The biggest we are given.

Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that?

The World’s Biggest Guestlist with Hardwell, Dec 13, 2015, Mumbai. Close to 100,000 fans in the stadium, for free; Hardwell performing for free; 10 million people tuning in online; entertaining the whole world, but doing it for a cause. That one night, we educated 18,200 children on a 10 year education program. After 10 years of feeling like a dance music whore – buying talent, negotiating with bookers, appeasing managers – we were uniting the world for a cause. That felt good.

Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?

The present trend is populous, and is headed towards even more commercialization. Less of music, and more growth of lifestyle of music.

Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?

With more and more commercialization, I think the industry will try and grab more and more of their piece of the pie. But I think that those that stand out, and will thrive, are those that will find a balance of economics and emotions. We can’t take our eyes of the people who make us what we are – the fans. They want to be entertained, but they also want to be a part of making a better world. The real superstars will be those who can use the music to unite the fans, and the industry, and make a social difference.

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