segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2016

Monique Dardenne @ Dance Music 101

Monique Dardenne is a cultural producer who has been working as an artist manager for over 10 years. She was the label manager for music platform Skol Music and director of English webtv Boiler Room in Brazil, besides having her own artist management company, MD/Agency and recently launched the Music Platform Women’s Music Event.

- Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?

Dance Music is part of my life since I Born. My father and my uncle were DJs at 80’s and 90’s. The vinyls, culture of DJs and equipment is part of my life since always.

- Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?
At Kompakt’s Party - ADE 2016. I had a lot of fun with Agoria, Michael Mayer and his crew dancing at Laurent Garnier’s set.

- Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?

My Daughter Maria Luiza. Do I really have to explain why? Lol

- Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that?
When I started run Boiler Room in Brazil in 2013 challenged me to learn things and find solutions that I never thought I was going to work.  What would be the best technology to make the connection not fall during the programs and that I could use in places of difficult access without worrying (Favela do Vidigal / Rio de Janeiro, In front of the Black River / Manaus, inside a Fort / Recife ).
Other moment that was before that, when I started to make tours for big international artists in my agency.

- Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?
The importance of role, space and the value of women's work in the music industry.

- Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?

The Industry has the big role to create new forms of entertainment, generate formal jobs,  disseminate music in an increasingly democratic way, make the market more and more professional and fair for all the people who works (not just the artists) or is just enjoying.

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