segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016

António Afonso @ Dance Music 101

António Afonso career in dance music begun in 1988, with only 16 years old, when he became a DJ in Portugal. From that he has been present in each step the genre has evolved in his country. In the past years, Europa Agency, from which he is the founder and CEO, has also became one of the most important agencies in the land and António has also joined Green Valley Group from Brazil as its International Managing Director.

- Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?
I've started very young in the industry, as with only 16 years I was already DJing regularly for a crowded Beach Club in Portugal. But, it was in the late 80´s with the Acid House momentum that definitely my attention was seriously caught to dance music and from there to the eternal "marriage" was a quick move. Electronic music came so strong in my life that till now I've had half a dozen successful businesses related projects and it's my daily source of inspiration. 

- Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?
Luckily for me that I live in Brazil now I would easily say that every time I go out a have real fun! The south of Brazil where Im based (Balneario Camboriu) it's a kind of Ibiza + Miami + Dubai that mixed with the Brazilian way of life, makes it very hard to "not have real fun"! If I had to choose outside Brazil, I would say she last edition of ADE in Amsterdam was particularly crazy! Every time I go to the events at the Gashouder in that city I get serious goose bumps! What an atmosphere and what a crowd ...and what a production!! 
It's really impressive the energy levels achieved there.

- Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?
Music! It NEVER disappoints me and it's my mood selector. I just can't imagine living without it. Of course you have the other basic needs in life: love, peace, etc, etc...but without music, life would seriously...suck!

- Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that? 
There are so many moments I could mention here, I would say that producing David Guetta´s Show (n1 DJ brand in the world) in Portugal (with my European Agency) and to represent Green Valley as its International Brand Manager (2015 nº1 club in the world) on the previous ADE edition were two moments to highlight.

- Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?
Dance Music has this ability to be always in constant mutation. From time to time the "commercial" gets stronger and the underground gets weaker and then they change positions! I´ve seen it happening and will (for sure) see it again! Festivals tend to be mass oriented so naturally the focus will be in pleasing the crowd to the most, so depending in what's "hot" or not in the market at its time of production, there is not much to risk. About clubs, it varies so much from country to country, but I would say that these would probably get smaller and more specific in reaching the niche they want to target. I believe that the club user will want something more service quality oriented if we are talking for the commercial clientele, and will expect a better sound and "decks & FX" experience if underground related. We are in 2016 and many clubs are still in the 80s, and I don't mean with a cool kitsch touch!

 - Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?
It’s all about music and entertainment, that's a fact! But, everything is happening so fast nowadays and social media made a TURBO in our lives in a way that what is cool today may be uncool tomorrow... What used to drive people for 5 years now only works for 2 or 1 or less!
I believe that new businesses will emerge and what is granted for now might not even exist in the future. Spotify for instance is replacing the traditional cherry picking song sale. Events? I would risk saying that is 10/20 years a kind of "second life V2" will make us go to experience them without leaving home... New and challenging business models are to be developed by the industry leaders.  

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