segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Felix @ Dance Music 101

Felix (born Francis Wright) is a British producer and DJ also known for his underground house project "The Party Crashers".

Life: when was the moment you figured out that Dance Music was meant to you?

I guess when I was about 15. I had been in Hip Hop bands but it was always frustrating to try and get everyone together at the same time. I was so excited to get involved with samplers & drum machines as that technology meant I didn't need anyone else to create my ideas.

Laugh: when was the last time you had real fun?

This weekend with my wife & kids, family time is always fun!

Love: name the one thing you love more than anything – and why is that?

My two boys. Having children changed my whole world and now means more to me than anything else.

Past: name a significant moment in your career in Dance Music – and why is that?

I would say there have been many, many individual things that are significant to me but to most people looking in at my career the real game changer would be my 1992 single 'Don't You Want Me'. It really helped launch my music career and is the track that I am best known for.

Present: what do you think that is trending today in music, clubs and festivals?

I think there will be a trend for more intimate events or events that at least try to emulate a more 'exclusive' vibe. Everything goes in cycles so it's easy to predict some sort of backlash against anything too large and corporate. I think people will seek out uniqueness and authenticity wherever that may take them. The music will continue to split into more sub genres but essentially these are just names - we should celebrate the amazing diversity and talent that is out there.

Future: where is industry heading in the years to come?

I think the main challenge is making sure that Artists get paid to create. We need to harness the technology that's out there to share income from streaming and advertising in a more fair way. I can't see physical music or downloads surviving other than a niche market it will all be about streaming in one form or another. I would like to see the Dance community continue to come together through organizations like AFEM and make sure that we protect our music. I'm certain we can do it!

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